Brand New Book Haul

April 18, 2019

It’s so hard to believe that we’re already a quarter of the way through 2019. I feel like it was January 2 minutes ago. I am pleased to report that for the third month in a row, I am on track to hit my reading goal of 52 books this year. I am still so excited that there’s a possibility that I accomplish this goal. As a busy grad student, finding time to read wasn’t always my top priority but it’s honestly amazing how much reading I can get done just by dedicating 30 mins a day to a good book.
If you want to catch up on what I’ve read so far this year, here are my posts from January and February. And if you like keeping up with what I read in real time, you can follow me on Instagram where I post pics of what I’m reading all the time or you can add me on Goodreads! AND in case you forgot, I’m participating in the POPSUGAR Reading Challenge this year… so I’m including what prompt I read the book for if you were curious!
Image result for book aesthetic instagram pink

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